Top 12 songs of the year by Rick Kane


It’s a preposterous title isn’t it? Around this time of the year my mind goes mushy and hazy trying to distil everything I listened to in the last 365 days of my life, into a compact list. I still listen mainly to albums so this list is really a song from 12 great albums. But it’s not my top 12 albums (with a track from each). Missing from a list like that are standout records such as case/lang/veirs, Hayes Carll and Common. Anyway you get the gist. This is a cruel exercise that I will claim immunity from the moment I finish writing it. There are many, (very many) other as deserving songs.  Continue reading

The ultimate in upsizing by Richard Jones

founderA look at The Founder… 

THERE can’t be too many people in the western world, or indeed in many other nations worldwide, who haven’t chowed down on a McDonald’s Big Mac and fries.

So it’s a bit of a mind-stretching exercise to find out all about Ray Kroc, the man who franchised the fast food chain across the globe resulting in today’s 35,000 outlets. Continue reading